Friday, November 25, 2016

The three things Donald Trump really cares about

The three things Donald Trump really cares about Two weeks into his transition from President-elect to America's commander in chief, Donald Trump has signaled his priorities and demonstrated the habits of mind he will bring to the most powerful position in the world. The clues tell us we shouldn't expect this 70-year-old showman to be transformed into a genuinely sober, predictable leader, but this is not necessarily a bad omen. There are lots of things ordinary politicians care about -- rules about what kinds of things can be said while in office or on the campaign trail, traditions that have been tested in the history of US government and politics -- that Trump may not care about. But it's clear from his career and evident from his period as President-elect so far that there are three things he does care about: 1. He still cares about the media -- a lot. 2. Trump cares about your opinion of him 3. Trump still cares about personal profit