Sunday, September 25, 2016

funny geese attack compilation: Goose chasing people || funny geese attack compilation

funny geese attack compilation: Goose chasing people || funny geese attack compilation Goose attacking people is one of the funniest compilations on youtube.Do whatever it takes not to giggle as you watch these insane geese pursue individuals. The montage of short 7 second vine recordings will definitely fill your heart with joy. I Once Was Attacked By Geese And Saved By An Angel! By [ L Waters Jr It was lunchtime! My mom sent me to the store to buy a loaf of bread. I walked up the street a couple blocks to a corner store. While I was on the way back to the place we were staying at in Florida, I saw some geese by a nearby pond. I thought to myself that the geese might like something to eat. I walked over and took a couple pieces of bread out of the bag, tore them up, and started feeding the geese and ducks that were swimming in the pond. They started coming out of the water toward me. I was excited thinking "WOW, HOW COOL IS THIS!?!". Some of the geese were nearly as big as I was! They started gathering all around me and I was laughing at them. I couldn't tear the bread up fast enough, those geese were HUNGRY! One of them was behind me and started pecking at my bare legs. I started to feel nervous. It wasn't long before I got bit again, and then I got scared. "Ouch that hurt!" I said. I grabbed the bread and started walking away. The geese started following me. I looked back and they were still following me, honking, and hissing with their wings spread wide. They came at me faster in a big flock. I started to run. They caught up to me and started biting at my legs. I was screaming, running, kicking and swinging the loaf of bread at them all at the same time. There must have been 10 or 12 Geese, but to me it seemed like there were a 100. I was about to be killed by geese!?!? Finally, I ran as fast as I could away from them and didn't look back. I ran as fast as my feet would carry me with what was left of that loaf of bread in my hand. When I didn't hear them honking anymore I looked back and they were far away. That's when I realized I was lost. I figured I had ran right past the hotel. I could still see the geese, but I did not want to go back that way. I sat down on the curb and cried while rubbing my sore legs. (A victim of a goosing.) I had welts down the back of both of my legs. I decided that I didn't like geese anymore. I sat there trying to figure out why the geese would attack me after I was feeding them. I sat there crying, talking to myself under my breath, and asking God, "Why were those geese so mean to me? Stupid geese!" Suddenly a lady's voice said, "Are you okay?". I stood up, wiped the tears from my eyes, caught my breath, and explained to the lady what had happened. I told her that I was lost and that I was afraid to go back because of the geese. The lady was so nice. I don't remember her name. I do remember she looked like anyone else except her eyes looked kind and friendly. She said "I will help you get home." She took me by my hand and we started walking. I said to her, "My mom is probably going to be really mad, I was supposed to just go get the bread. Now look at it!!!" The bread was all smashed up. I had used it as a weapon to fight off the geese. I never have seen bread look so busted up. (Except, if you were going to make Stuffing.) She just laughed and asked if she should get me a new loaf of bread. I said, "No, I just want to go home." She laughed with me a little more as I recognized the place I was staying at with my family. I felt like I was going to be in the most trouble I have ever been in. I don't know why that lady did what she did, but she took a situation where I was scared, hurt, and lonely and she made me feel like everything was going to be okay. We were laughing about the welts on my legs. We were laughing at the smashed bread. We were laughing about those 'stupid' geese! Looking back today, I know she was an angel, maybe NOT the typical angel with wings and stuff but an ANGEL IN HUMAN FORM. She not only helped me find my way home but she saved me from my fears. The way I seen it, ONLY an Angel could do THAT! The funny truth is we all have that potential. To help someone in need. To make someone smile or laugh during a hard time. It's not a very big thing to ask, is it? We all have the potential to create miracles every day. Do something kind for someone when they least expect it, to be someone's angel. It is WONDERFUL to LIVE IN A WORLD where a few geese with bad attitudes inspire people to have better attitudes toward each other.