Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Hillary Spits Something Into Her Glass

Hillary Spits Something Into Her Glass In perhaps the grossest campaign moment since Ted Cruz ate a booger off of his lip during a debate — Hillary Clinton spit up a yellowish substance into her water glass on live television while rallying in Cleveland on Monday. During the rally, the apparently ailing Clinton could not pull herself out of a massive coughing fit and was seen disgustingly spitting up either phlegm, bile, pieces of cough drops, alien mucus, or some other mystery substance into her drinking water glass. Clinton insisted that the cough was allergy related, but Twitter users quickly debunked this story by pointing out that the pollen count in the area was low. Desperately, her campaign (as well as pundits who may as well be considered part of her team) has been painting anyone who questions Clinton’s health as some kind of crazy conspiracy theorists. Undeterred, author and independent journalist Mike Cernovich has launched several hashtags relating to the candidate’s health which have soared to the number one trending spot on Twitter. On Monday, #HackingHillary rose to the top nationwide. 60% of voters wanted to see sick Hillary's health records. The number is surely higher after today. #HackingHillary During the rally, the apparently ailing Clinton could not pull herself out of a massive coughing fit and was seen disgustingly spitting up either phlegm, bile, pieces of cough drops, alien mucus, or some other mystery substance into her drinking water glass. Clinton insisted that the cough was allergy related, but Twitter users quickly debunked this story by pointing out that the pollen count in the area was low. Desperately, her campaign (as well as pundits who may as well be considered part of her team) has been painting anyone who questions Clinton’s health as some kind of crazy conspiracy theorists. Undeterred, author and independent journalist Mike Cernovich has launched several hashtags relating to the candidate’s health which have soared to the number one trending spot on Twitter.