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Thursday, June 30, 2016


DAY IN THE LIFE OF MCJUGGERNUGGETS! If you are just getting started with your online MLM business, you might very well be drowning in your to-do list. I know I did when I first got started. If you're confused about what to do, when to do it, and which tasks should come first, take some advice from me, a seasoned online MLM propeller-head. Make a plan and stick to it. Simple enough. Now, what should your plan be? You have to decide for yourself, depending on whether you are working your business full time or as a side business. In either case, promoting your MLM business online means you're going to be doing three things: 1. writing 2. sharing 3. networking A Day in the Life Schedule It's up to you how much time you spend. To give you a rough idea of how you might schedule your time for your online marketing plan, here's my schedule for a typical day. Keep in mind that I post to my two blogs (one on MLM and one on small business) five days a week, and take weekends off. I also get up earlier than most people, but don't let that bother you. You can allocate your time in any way that suits your personality. 4:00 AM - 5:30 AM -- Write Write and post 2 blog entries. Most of the time, I write my own content, but this can include book reviews, software reviews, or commentaries on someone else's blog post. Most of the posts are about or relevant to online MLM marketing or small business. Once every 7-10 days I may repost someone else's blog entry, meaning all I do is introduce the person but otherwise don't write anything. 5:30 AM - 6:30 AM -- SHARE Once I've posted to my blogs, I'll "share" my original posts in appropriate places around the internet. This includes article directories, social media sites like Twitter and Digg, as well as in certain forums. I also use "pinging" software like Pingoat to notify various blog sites like Technorati that I have a new post. 6:30 AM - 8:00 AM - NETWORK Finally, it's time to go out and interact with the folks in my online MLM world. This means visiting forums on sites like Ryze and Facebook. In these networks, I try to answer people's questions, be helpful, and get my burning questions answered. I will also go read the blogs of my various online "heroes," and will often comment on any posts that I find particularly intriguing or helpful. Other Stuff On The Side So that's a typical day in the life of an online MLM propeller-head. In addition to this regular marketing schedule, I also spend time with my prospects and downline via email and phone as needed. I answer questions, email information, do occasional three-way calls, and offer trainings. I also attend select company and upline training webinars and teleconferences. Does this give you some ideas on how to structure your own online MLM schedule? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Stephanie Valentine has been a successful network marketer for over a decade. She does her MLM business online and helps others do the same. For tips, tricks, rants, and raves about online MLM and small business, visit [] and [] Article Source: [] A Day in the Life of the Online MLM Propeller-Head

The Purge: Election Year Full Movie and Review

The Purge: Election Year Full Movie and Review Every few years, the public, generally as a result of disappointment or opposition to either the incumbent, the political process, the economy, or certain policies, decides to do the equivalent of a political purge, or "vote the bums out." Unfortunately, in most cases, all this has done is replace one set of dysfunctional office holders with another set of less experienced ones. In the first congressional elections of President Clinton's first term, in 1994, many of the new members of Congress, who were "swept" into office when President Clinton was elected in 1992, were defeated, and the Congress switched from a Democratic majority to a Republican one. The ever versatile Clinton read the "political waters or tea bags," and "moved to the center," and became one of our more productive Presidents, trying to work with the opposition party to get things done. What often occurs after a new President is elected is that individual embarks on certain major changes, which, it seems, invariably have a certain number of detractors. President Obama, after a similar devastating mid-term election, which saw a large Democratic majority turn to a Republican majority in the House of Representatives, and a much smaller Democratic majority in the Senate. One must objectively wonder if there was so much stalling and failure to get things done productively with one party in control, will there be any hope of conciliatory behavior now? Will the two parties, and the two factions, continuing playing politics, or will they work together, and compromise on their extremes, in order to benefit the American public. President Obama may have a more difficult go of it than President Clinton did, however. Firstly, Clinton's own political views were somewhat more centrist than those of Obama. Secondly, Clinton by nature, was a savvy politician, who was a master at the political art of compromise. How will President Obama do with an approximately 65 seat turnover as a result of these mid-year elections? The other complication is that some of the new faces in Congress were elected as a result of Tea Party efforts, endorsements, affiliations, or beliefs, and how will these new members of Congress adapt to the "crazy" political system within the District of Columbia? In the 2008 Presidential elections, Obama campaigned on "Change you can believe in." Many of the candidates elected during these mid- year elections campaigned in opposition to this change, and the real question one must ask is whether these election results were because of agreement with a more conservative agenda, a backlash against the President and his programs and proposals, merely anti-incumbent, anger regarding joblessness, the result of the lackluster economy and low consumer confidence, a backlash or opposition to a particular issue such as health care, the huge deficits, or something else? These 2010 mid-year elections certainly changed the face of our elected officials. However, we do not yet know if these changes will merely be cosmetic, or will they accomplish anything constructive. Let's wait and see! Richard Brody has over 30 years consultative sales, marketing, training, managerial, and operations experience. He has trained sales and marketing people in numerous industries, given hundreds of seminars, appeared as a company spokesperson on over 200 radio and television programs, and regularly blogs on real estate, politics, economics, management, leadership, negotiations, conferences and conventions, etc. Richard has negotiated, arranged and/ or organized hundreds of conferences and conventions. Richard is a Senior Consultant with RGB Consultation Services, an Ecobroker, a Licensed Buyers Agent (LBA) and Licensed Salesperson in NYS, in real estate. Richard Brody has owned businesses, been a Chief Operating Officer, a Chief Executive Officer, and a Director of Development, as well as a consultant. Richard has a Consulting Website (; a blog (; and can be followed on Twitter. Article Source: [] Elections Change Office Holders, But Rarely Change Anything Else

Jaylen Brown dunks on child

Jaylen Brown dunks on child Jump Higher to Dunk - The Workouts You Can Do By [ De Guzman It is during the off-season when basketball jumping exercises are performed. And in order for you to enhance your upright leap, you need a lot of will power and discipline. For you to be a good basketball player, you must carry out the right kind of workouts and doing them appropriately. This will definitely enhance your volatility and strength. Performing well at offense is the characteristic of an enhanced vertical jump which will make you good to play at defense and make you to dunk well. There are various ways that you can do to attain your goal to jump higher to dunk. Power skipping drills This drill can be likened to one of your favorite games when you were a child - the skipping rope - except that this time much effort and speed are needed. Your backyard, a leveled space or any big ground for that matter is an ideal space for power jumping drills. You can even do it inside the basketball court. Bringing your knees closer to your chest as you could is the aim of this drill. Once get to do this, your goal to jump higher to dunk will not be difficult as you have developed your thrusting might. This exercise is related to playing skipping rope when you were a child; the only variation is you put a great deal of speed and force into it. You can do this drill on a spacious area like inside the court, your backyard or anywhere that has a flat and enough space area. The purpose of power skipping drills is to bring your knees as close to your chest as possible, it enhances flexibility and improves balance and posture. This will develop your pushing force for you to jump higher to dunk perfectly. This is the way to executing this drill: Begin your skip with the foot you are at ease with. Concentrate on your objective by giving attention to being able to elevate your leap with each skip. The maneuvers can be put to an end via the recommended repetitions and sets. Getting yourself attuned to the pace or beat and shoving your foot with all the power you can muster is the secret in performing power skipping drills thereby achieving to jump higher to dunk. The Box Jumping Drills Take four boxes and number them from one to four. Next, align the boxes with a distance of 2 feet from each other. Stand on the first box and leap to box 2 with both feet. Repeat this procedure with the other 2 boxes. When you do your leap, both feet must be together. Tie them if you cannot maintain your feet as one. Your objective to jump higher to dunk will be put at ease by practicing this drill. Twisting your body is a no-no in executing the box jumping drills. It is likewise the same jumping forward to box #2; again do not make your body twirl. For box #3, you need to jump sideways and finally a backward jump for box #4. The leaping are all executed clockwise. An 8-box jump corresponds to one repetition. When you have finished doing one repetition, you can do it again counterclockwise. Jumping on one foot can also be done. Jump higher to dunk: jump higher to dunk [] & plyometric exercises [] Article Source: [] Jump Higher to Dunk - The Workouts You Can Do Jaylen Brown dunks on childJaylen Brown dunks on childJaylen Brown dunks on childJaylen Brown dunks on childJaylen Brown dunks on childJaylen Brown dunks on childJaylen Brown dunks on child

Dead Zebra Covers Leopard in Fluid

What's inside a Air Plane Black Box?

What's inside a Air Plane Black Box? The search for from Air France 447, which crashed into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean in June, has been a major news story globally and Airbus says it is willing to spend up to 20 million euros to recover this invaluable device. Device recovery from black boxes (formally Flight Information Data Recorders) is the ultimate in : a plane will plunge into the sea leaving only destruction and no survivors in its wake. Yet, once is retrieved it is still possible for experts to save this data and discover what went wrong on the flight, but why is a black box able to achieve the impossible and survive a crash which annihilates everything else? The name, black box, describes a system which is difficult for users to access and the process is tricky even for experienced professionals. The unit, which is very like one in a home or office computer, is hidden in three almost indestructible boxes: a thermal box is placed inside an insulation box which is then placed in a titanium or steel box and then stored in the tail of the aircraft to protect it from high impact. The unit is shorter than a 30cm ruler and is painted orange so that it is more easily recovered in the ocean or the wilderness. This defensive shell can protect the unit from an impact of 3,400 times the force of gravity, temperatures as high as 1, 100 degrees Celsius and crushing by 2,300 Kilograms of force. The in the box is also recoverable after has been lying in an ocean depth of 6.5 kilometers for a month. The box records all data about the current state of the plane. This includes its control position, engine information, general performance and sometimes conversations in the cockpit, radio communication and ambient sounds. is recorded for approximately 20 hours in a continuous loop in flight and is then transferred to a solid state recorder for evaluation with specialised accident investigation equipment after recovery. The data recovered from a black box reveals the cause of the accident; this allows airlines and plane manufacturers to determine whether the accident was caused by pilot error or faulty parts. As a result, steps can be taken to prevent a similar accident in the future and provides closure to victims' families. Frances wrote this article for MVI ; device recovery [] specialists and leaders in the field of and retrieval. Article Source: [] - When is Possible?

Dead Zebra Covers Leopard in Fluid

Dead Zebra Covers Leopard in Fluid Success And Survival Tips from Nigel Marven's Big Cat Adventure - The Miraculous Power Of Confidence By [ Watson In 2001, Nigel Marven, the courageous naturalist, traveled far and wide in his 'Big Cat Adventure' program to research the big cats. They are classified as big cats because they can roar. They can also frighten the life out of you! The big cats are the leopard, snow leopard, jaguar, lion and tiger. They are five out of the 38 sub species of cats. Nigel tracked down the leopards and tigers and even walked unarmed towards a pride of hungry lions to prove the power of a self-confident human. Nigel stated his mission clearly: "In my most daring adventure so far I'll confront the world biggest cats to see just how I measure up." The program started with Nigel playing with some three month old Siberian tigers. He likes to play and have fun with the animals that he studies. He really enjoys being with them. A key success skill is to try to have fun in everything you do. Nigel is never content with a distant look at the animals he loves to study: "I want to get close to lions to see just how magnificent they are. There are five giant cats in the world. A cheetah isn't one of them since they can purr when they breathe in and when they breathe out. The big cats can only purr when they breathe out but they can roar." He first visited leopard country in Africa. Leopards are brilliant climbers and even go up trees to look for prey. They can also drag heavy prey into the trees to keep the meat away from other predators like hyenas. The males are as heavy as Nigel - about 200 pounds - and can measure nine feet from head to tail. Nigel soon saw a 'stunningly beautiful' leopardess and later a male leopard which was much bigger and more powerful. The leopard was followed by an amorous female which did the chasing. However, the male tried to control the act of mating by biting the fold of flesh and fur on her neck. She let him know that she found this uncomfortable but over the next day or so he would probably mate with her about one hundred times to make sure they have children. The elusive snow leopard which lives high in the mountains of central Asia was seen in a zoo in France by Nigel. As man of high standards, Nigel regarded this as cheating. Some scientists don't accept the snow leopard as a big cat because it has never been known to roar. The jaguar looks like a leopard with larger circles on its fur but it is the third largest cat and can be found in central and southern America. Jaguars love the water and will fish for anything including caymen and even big anancondas. Prayer worked in the search for Shere Khan. Prayer is often underestimated and it often fails to work perhaps because people pray half heartedly and with only a faint hope of receiving an answer. We need to pray with an attitude of excited anticipation. We need to expect results. One success leads to another success and each success increases your powers. Nigel went from confronting big cats in 2001 to confronting big alligators in 2002. He actually stuck his head in an alligator's mouth in 2002. Success usually involves doing what you plan to do whatever else happens. Nigel seems to do this every time. His determination to follow his plans also attracts the assistance of others. He never stops half way and will travel miles to achieve his goals. With him, it is always: "Mission accomplished." Many people are unwilling to put in the hard work necessary to learn more. Nigel, on the other hand is willing to put in the sweat equity needed to learn all he can about the animals he studies. His huge enthusiasm for nature gives him the energy to study and become a top student of animal behaviour. In the UK thousands of would be drivers are paying other people to take their driving tests for them. They then go out driving without having learned how. They are nine times more likely to kill themselves and others than those who have taken the time and trouble to learn how to drive. Learning anything worthwhile involves some kind of sweat. A cat has just sauntered past my window. Fortunately, it is not one of the big cats! John Watson is an award winning teacher and 5th degree blackbelt martial arts instructor. He has written several ebooks on motivation and success topics. One of these can be found at You can also find motivational ebooks by authors like Stuart Goldsmith. Check out Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your site but please include the resource box above Article Source: [] Success And Survival Tips from Nigel Marven's Big Cat Adventure - The Miraculous Power Of Confidence

FINDING DORY Ruins Our Dessert! Molten Lava Cakes Movie Day! FUNnel Vision Kids Cooking Recipe

FINDING DORY Ruins Our Dessert! Molten Lava Cakes Movie Day! FUNnel Vision Kids Cooking Recipe PanARMENIAN.Net - "Finding Dory" rules the North American box office with an estimated $73.2 million. The sequel to "Finding Nemo" stays atop the chart after breaking a new record with $135.1 million debut last week. "Independence Day: Resurgence" debuts in second place with an underwhelming $41.6 million in its first weekend. The film which was made with estimated $165 million budget performs 20% below expectation compared to the $50 million opening weekend of the 1996 original original movie, "Independence Day". The film, however, manages to top the international charts with $102.1 million in 57 markets. In China, the film earned $37.3 million, representing the fourth-highest weekend for a Fox title in the country. South Korea leads the rest of the pack with $7.4 million, followed by the U.K. with $7.3 million, Mexico with $6.8 million and Taiwan with $3.7 million. The film also makes a splash in India, earning $3.5 million for the biggest Fox opening of all-time in the market. Also making its debut in U.S. theaters this weekend is "The Shallows". The survival horror thriller, starring Blake Lively, earned approximately $16.7 million and lands in fourth place, behind the action-comedy "Central Intelligence", which added an estimated $18.4 in its second weekend. Meanwhile, "Free State of Jones" rounds out the top five with an estimated $7.8 million. finding dory trailer, finding dory trailer official 2016, finding dory full movie, finding dory trailer 3, finding dory trailer 2, finding dory clip, finding dory full movie in english, finding dory all trailers, finding dory announcement, finding dory full trailer, finding dory annoying orange, finding dory all clips, finding dory animated movie, finding dory behind the scenes, finding dory build a bear, finding dory behind the scenes voices, finding dory beluga whale, finding dory bruce, finding dory beyond the sea, finding dory commercial, finding dory characters, finding dory coffee, finding dory credits, finding dory coffee pot, finding dory c, finding dory disney, finding dory disney infinity 3.0, finding dory dory's parents, finding dory disney store, finding dory ellen, finding dory ellen show, finding dory ending, finding dory extended trailer, finding dory end credits, finding dory event roblox, finding dory ellen degeneres behind the scenes, finding dory full movie 2016, finding dory final trailer, finding dory full movie free, finding dory full, finding dory featurette, finding dory have you seen her song, finding dory hide and seek, finding dory hands, finding dory hank clip

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Rio Olympics Are In Total Disarray

The Rio Olympics Are In Total Disarray I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

Pixar Theory Darla's Origin

Pixar Theory Darla's Origin Darla Jade and the Balance of the Universe is an exciting YA series for fans of fantasy, adventure and Christian literature. The story begins in a cemetery when 13-year old Darla Jade's soul is 'raised from her grave' by Striker, the creature that calls the souls at the resurrection before they're to go to either Heaven or Hell. Darla is sent to Heaven while another boy, Johnny, is sent to into the vortex of Hell. Once in Heaven, Darla must attend school for training as a Guardian Angel--or Guardian, for short. There, she makes friends but also has a tough time controlling her temper and rudeness. She keeps getting demerits for bad behavior. However, Darla is brave and good at heart and this is what matters, especially because, as the story develops, it becomes clear that she is 'The One,' the Guardian who will save the world from Evil. In the Heaven academy, Darla learns a lot from famous teachers such as Leonardo DaVinci, Tesla and Benjamin Franklin. Meantime, down in Hell, Johnny and other demons are planning to tip the Balance of the Universe in the forms of a evil storm on earth. For this to succeed, Darla must be destroyed, for she is the only one who can stop it and bring the Balance back. I have a lot of good things to say about this YA fantasy: the pace is quick, with lots of dialogue and action scenes; the worlds of Heaven and Hell are rich, intriguing and imaginative. Author D.L. Reynolds certainly has a flair for world building. What I especially like about it is that the world building doesn't come in information dumps that slow down the pace, but instead it's incorporated into the scenes with the action and dialogue. One aspect that got my attention, though--and this is only an observation--is that the first several chapters of the story read more like middle grade (for ages 8-12), and it is only after some time that the plot acquires more 'heavy' elements which are more suitable for the YA audience (13 and up). Overall, I'd say this is a novel for the tween and YA audiences and not for middle graders. Darla Jade and the Balance of the Universe was a surprisingly interesting and pleasant read and I look forward to the 2nd book in the series, Darla Jade and the Fallen Feathers. Mayra Calvani writes fiction and nonfiction for children and adults. Her nonfiction work, The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing was a ForeWord Best Book of the Year Award winner. She's had over 300 stories, articles, interviews and reviews published. She reviews for and is co-editor of Voice in the Dark Ezine. She also offers book reviewing workshops online. Visit her website at [ Article Source: [] Book Review: Darla Jade and the Balance of the Universe, by DL Reynolds darla mclain, darla dimple, darla finding nemo, darla ft noizy, darla little rascals, darla mclain hate videos, darla, darla taylor, darla and drusilla, darla ad, darla anderson, darla absolute commercial, darla at mcdonalds, darla band, darla beaux, darla baker, darla brown, darla buffy the vampire slayer, darla burber, darla berlo, darla buscando a nemo, darla burkett, darla banana split, b&b darla, darla cats don't dance, darla cartoon, darla commercial, darla cozzarelli, darla camille, darla carne

Pixar Theory Darla's Origin

Peppa Pig Makeup / Love Story

Peppa Pig Makeup / Love Story Everybody likes to hear great love stories. This is mainly because they are stories of joy and happiness. They inspire so much hope to people who have not yet found love. Love stories have been told for many years and all generations have their very own set of stories. All cultures will have some form of stories that are used not just to inspire hope but, to educate and teach. Love stories can be conveyed in 3 ways which include the following. They can be told orally or by word of mouth, they can be written down as literature to be read by people or they can be acted and viewed as television programs. For this reason, good love stories make for great sales and they are popular not just for their value but, for the capital they can earn. When you are dating or planning to date, you need a good love story to give you the morale you need. If you are going through a matchmaker, you need to know that there are stories of success that you can identify with to give you hope. Many matchmakers like online dating services, will have a list of testimonials that you can go through. Testimonials are written to affirm that the couple went through the particular service and was successful in finding love. The more the stories, the better you will feel going through the service. Some of the greatest stories come with very many components or aspects. For example, the best stories will be those people who have gone through hardships but stayed true to their love. Therefore, the aspect of overcoming hurdles for the sake of love makes a great story. Many people like to watch the stories of love unfold in television soap operas. The soaps feature some of the most dramatic stories which are not usually reality but fiction. It is the everyday experiences of life that inspire the soaps which make for a great viewing. The main message in stories of love is that love triumphs or conquers every thing. It knows no boundaries and it will overcome all. Some of the boundaries that love overcomes according to stories are social class, race, education, ethnicity and the list goes on. Two people form totally different backgrounds can come together in union for the sake of love. Love sparks a lot of emotions and, while watching a good story, you will get hooked and will not want to miss any action. If you want a story, go to someone close to you, who is married like your mother or father. Try to find out how they met and the whole story behind their meeting. You will discover that great stories are just near you. You will be empowered on how to identify real love when it comes along. It is so exciting to listen to these stories. Another thing that will be very exciting is to tell the stories. If you have gone through some experiences, your story will definitely be worth telling. Every couple that is in love has a story to tell no matter what their situation might have been. Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Love Stories [] Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Love Stories [] Article Source: [] Great Love Stories of All Times peppa pig english episodes, peppa pig english episodes new episodes 2015, peppa pig español, peppa pig toys, peppa pig english episodes new episodes 2016, peppa pig, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig baby, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig dinosaur, peppa pig daddy finger, peppa pig english, thomas e peppa pig, peppa pig full episodes 2016, peppa pig funny, peppa pig full movie, peppa pig funny vines, peppa pig in english full episodes, peppa pig movie, peppa pig mother's day

People Try Burger King's Mac N' Cheetos

People Try Burger King's Mac N' Cheetos The restaurant, founded in 1954 by James McLamore and David Edgerton, was opened in Miami. Often popularly abbreviated BK, it is a worldwide fast food chain mainly consisting of hamburger dishes and delicacies. exists under a parent company known as Holdings. It operates nearly 40 global subsidiaries that manage franchise operations, acquisitions and financial responsibilities and has its headquarters based in Miami-Dade County, Florida, close to Miami. One of its subsidiaries is the Brands, Inc. responsible for the smooth operation of 's intellectual assets. Established in 1990, it owns and manages all the domain names, copyrights as well as trademarks that are used by the restaurants in the US and Canada. It also provides market oriented services to its parent company. The main products of are hamburgers, chicken, french fries, soft drinks, salads, desserts and milk shakes. began franchising in 1959 whereby it utilized a regional model where franchisees bought rights to open shops within a specific geographic region. This method resulted into a compromising situation whereby there was little oversight control and store regulation implementation of the quality of products, design and image. Between 1970 and the first half of the 1980's, there have even been lawsuits with regard to the overall control of the franchises. After this lawsuit, there was restructuring done for future franchising agreements to make them more restricted and preventing corporations from owning franchises. The policies also disallowed the franchisees from owning other chains that would result in diversion of funds from . It made sure that the size of franchisees was not that big and that was the primary owner of new locations where the stores were to be set up putting them in a position where they would be able to lease or rent the restaurant too its franchisee, and evict or take over management operations of restaurants that did not conform to their guidelines. The ownership of however changed hands again and the strict policies were not adhered to which led to financial ruin and straining associations between the franchises. After almost 18 years without financial growth, the value of the company began feeling the effects of its stagnating franchises. AmeriKing filed for bankruptcy in 2001 and this caused the depreciation of the fast food chain by nearly $750 million during its sale. The new CEO, Bradely Blum began a restructuring program that was aimed to revive almost 20% of franchises undergoing financial difficulties. It was an initiative that encouraged individual owners who took advantage of the situation buying the failed stores and turning them into profit makers. A majority of the once failing stores are growing and at the end of the 2010 fiscal year, claimed to have more than 12,200 outlets in 73 countries. 90% of the outlets in the US are privately owned and operated. The total investment of a falls between $294,000 to $2.8 million with a franchising fee of $50,000. It has a 20 year renewable term of agreement contract which requires a franchisee to have a net worth of $1.5 million and a cash liquidity of $500,000. Industry experience with general business experience and marketing skills are necessary. When looking to start any business it is important, particularly considering today's market, that you look for specific ways to cut minimize or reduce overhead and risk. Any business is going to have risk, but it is important to have a full understanding of the amount of investment, start-up cost and "ROI" (Return on Investment). Most people are not aware that 80% of ALL franchise endeavours fail in the first two to five years leaving large debts looming for years thereafter. One way and in my opinion the best way to cut overhead, start-up and investment cost is to take advantage of the new age of entrepreneurship and start a business from the comfort of your home. Opportunities have emerged in the online market that are creating millionaires every single day. Learn more about the exciting opportunities tied to a business model that begins profitable by visiting: [ Thomas White is an internet coach and mentor, broker and past owner of multi-location franchises, dedicated to helping other achieve financial freedom leveraging the online market. To see his methods of creating an automated and thriving online business or how you can leverage the internet to send your existing business through the roof visit: []. Article Source: []

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Greater Women

Greater Women Women in India By [ Khanna Though India is a country where women are worshipped as goddesses, they were treated no better than slaves even a century ago. They were usually considered to be the weaker sex and were often kept subdued by the men folk. Over the years, as the country went through political, economical and social changes, the condition of the Indian woman also changed for the better. They began to get their place in independent India. They stopped being mere domestic servants and saw the light of education and started playing a more pertinent role in the country's development. Today, no segregation is made between a boy and girl with regard to education. Indian women, now educated, have found their place of honour in the society. Both Indian women and men enjoy equal voting rights. This means that the Indian woman has an equal say in deciding who will run the country. Their voices are now more dynamic and audible than ever. No leader or politician can ever ignore the voice of the Indian women or can oppose their rights. Women in India have become identical partners in electing and dismissing a government. With the changing times and to grant more power to the Indian women, Hindu laws have been modified. The Hindu Marriage Act has undergone far reaching changes and Indian women have been granted the right to divorce. This has ensured them to get protection and relief against cruel and virulent husbands. Besides, the Hindu Succession Act has ensured the daughter's share in her parents' property. Such reforms have secured the position of women in India in the society. The Constitution of the country has also guaranteed identical rights to the men and women of India. No distinction is carried out on the basis of religion, caste or sex. This has safeguarded their rights. Moreover, reservation of women's seats in Parliament, state assemblies and other democratic bodies is also on the cards. This would ensure greater women representation in the affairs of the country. Many of Indian women have occupied the highest posts in the country. A case in point is Indira Gandhi. She was the first woman Prime Minister of India and often referred to as the iron lady. She was a leader of world stature. Guided by her success, more and more Indian women are entering politics to serve the people of the country. Women are being recruited in the armed forces of the country and they are playing a vital role in maintaining law and order of the country. The observance of the international women's year in 1975, was a shot in the arm for the emancipation of women. While India still has much to do with regard to women's empowerment, considerable progress has undoubtedly been achieved. [ today is one of the most major countries of the world and has made great strides in establishing ['s rights. Article Source: [] Women in India

10 Dead After Explosions Rock Istanbul Airport

10 Dead After Explosions Rock Istanbul Airport 10 Dead After Explosions Rock Istanbul Airport 10 Dead After Explosions Rock Istanbul Airport 10 Dead After Explosions Rock Istanbul Airport

10 Dead After Explosions Rock Istanbul Airport

10 Dead After Explosions Rock Istanbul Airport 10 Dead After Explosions Rock Istanbul Airport

Trump Slams Globalization, Promises To Upend Economic Status Quo

Trump Slams Globalization, Promises To Upend Economic Status Quo Americans have an insatiable thirst for gasoline to the tune of 10 million barrels a day. Turn off the gas spigot and you turn off the American lifestyle. There are many reasons why we could get ticked off about the state of our gas dependence and the apparent lack of control we have over the price of it. But, if we're going to be serious about transforming our national relationship with gas (and other products that come from oil), we shouldn't waste time getting ticked at the wrong things. Taking your frustration out on the local gas station may be a misdirected blast. I'll be the first one to admit that it really ticks me off how quickly gas prices shoot up, and how slo-o-o-owly they come down. We hear about some political unrest in Nigeria or Venezuela and BAM! The cost of oil futures goes up by $5 a barrel and the local price of gas goes up by 15 cents a gallon. Then when things calm down and the price of oil drops, the gas price stays right where it was for days, weeks, MONTHS! Hmm. But the truth is, those fluctuations at the pump are actually the least significant piece of the pie. Even people who specialize in studying the price of oil don't know for sure how to calculate all of the factors that influence its price and, ultimately, the price of gas. The price of gas in the United States is a consequence of everything from global economic growth, to greed and politics, to the normal consequences of 6.5 billion people going about their business on a planet with limited resources. Keeping all of that in mind, here's a rough breakdown of the factors contributing to the price of a gallon of gas. I. Crude Oil - 57% According to J. Stephen Simon, President of Exxon Mobile, the actual cost to get a barrel of oil out of the ground is only $12 - $15. So how is it we're paying $50 - $150 per barrel? For starters, there's the cost of transporting, which requires oil tankers, pipelines and big rigs. Next, oil companies (and the countries from which the oil is pumped) have to make a profit. Global factors, such as political unrest, the value of the US dollar compared to other currencies, and the amount of oil being pumped out of the ground dramatically affect the price. Top all that off with the influence of hedge fund managers and speculators, and you get a global "price" for crude oil. Every dollar increase in the price of a barrel of oil translates into .05 - .07 per gallon at the pump. It's worth noting that once the price of oil tops about $65, the other costs associated with the price of gas don't increase much. In other words, almost EVERYTHING above $65 is PURE PROFIT for SOMEBODY! All that dribble about the price of oil rising due to increased demand and rising production costs - uh huh. The price of oil spiked because there were hundreds of billions of dollars at stake. II. Refinement - 18% Even when crude oil prices are stable, there are other factors that contribute to regional and even local differences in gasoline prices. Of course, gasoline prices can change rapidly if something disrupts the supply of crude oil or if there are problems at refineries. But in addition to that, you also have to consider: Distance from the refinery - Retail gasoline prices tend to be higher with greater distance from the source of supply whether it be ports, refineries, pipelines or blending terminals. Supply disruptions - Any event that slows or stops refinement of gasoline for even a short time, such as planned or unplanned refinery maintenance or shutdowns that occurred when the hurricanes hit the Gulf Coast in 2005, can prompt bidding for available supplies. This not only results in price spikes, it can also interrupt gas availability. Retail competition and operating costs - Pump prices are always subject to retail locations. Stations have different traffic patterns, rents, and sources of supply that influence their pricing. Environmental programs - Some areas of the country, such as California, are required to use special "reformulated" gasoline with additives to help pollution. Other environmental programs put restrictions on fuel transportation and storage, which tend to add to the cost of producing, storing, and distributing gasoline. About a third of the gasoline sold in the U.S. is reformulated. is a web-based resource committed to generating a new public conversation about hydrogen fuel technology in particular, and renewable energy in general. It includes articles, videos and other links for people who want to research these technologies or locate vendors. We can't afford to wait for politicians, oil execs and automakers to figure it out. We need to act now. Visit to learn more about Hydrogen-On-Demand and other fuel saving technologies. Article Source: []

2 explosion, gunfire rock Istanbul airport

Oh Shit, Brexit | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

Oh Shit, Brexit | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS When Full Frontal With Samantha Bee debuted on TBS in February, after months of speculation about what it might mean for Bee to be the lone woman anchoring a late-night news show, its snarling theme song quickly made the host's intentions clear: You've got them all by the balls, causing waterfalls, Stone walls, bar brawls, common stalls that cause 'em all. To you they crawl body sprawl, smokin' Pall Malls, close calls, stand tall, Doll, you make them feel so small — and they love it. These "fuck you if you don't like it" lyrics come courtesy of "Boys Wanna Be Her," from Peaches's 2006 album Impeach My Bush. The song is explicit and defiant, straightforward and smirking as it dares you to blink. When paired with Full Frontal's title sequence — in which the comedian stomps into an arena to do battle — it's intimidating as hell. In other words, "Boys Wanna Be Her" is a perfect fit for Full Frontal — not to mention a perfect description of how Bee has set herself apart in a crowded field. Full Frontal has hit a potent combination that makes the show more primed now than ever to become a go-to for fans of political satire. Bee's unflinching attitude and unique perspective in an overwhelmingly male field would already set her apart — but premiering in a particularly bizarre election year makes Full Frontal more prescient than it would've been even just a year ago. Samantha Bee launched her late-night show at the exact right time Full Frontal's timing was perfect. The show premiered right on the heels of the Iowa caucuses, and every week since has only yielded more and more bizarre pieces of election ephemera for the show to tear apart. Additionally, Bee's status as late-night television's lone female voice in a year where Hillary Clinton is running for president certainly works to the host's advantage when discussing the Democratic primaries. When Bee talks about Clinton's attempts to seem more chill and appeal to voters, it's less about Clinton's awkward attempts to relate to people than it is about women having to walk a tightrope when it comes to cultivating their public perception — something Bee undoubtedly knows better than her male colleagues. TBS Full Frontal imagines Hillary Clinton's cheat sheet for being more likable. TBS had never launched a show quite like Full Frontal before, and its other late-night series, Conan, draws consistently low ratings. But Full Frontal's February 8 premiere still brought in 2.2 million viewers across four networks TBS, TNT, truTV, and Adult Swim— an impressive number for a 10:30 pm cable program, and one that holds up when compared with Trevor Noah nabbing 3.5 million viewers across 12(!) networks in his first outing on The Daily Show in September 2015. Full Frontal's internet presence is also impressive; it doesn't quite have the same reach as John Oliver's Last Week Tonight, but the episode clips that TBS posts online each week quickly rack up hundreds of thousands of views. One segment that featured Bee traveling to Texas to confront state Rep. Dan Flynn about his restrictive abortion clinic laws reached almost a million views in the week after it aired. Perhaps most telling is the fact that Bee is rapidly gaining the kind of status that leads many people and news outlets, including Voxto post her clips and just say, "This," as if she's said everything they've been thinking but couldn't quite articulate themselves. There are some basic factors that have contributed to Full Frontal's early success. It's a weekly show, so Bee and her staff can home in on the issues that speak the loudest to them without the pressure of filling airtime that daily programs face. Bee also opted not to bother doing interviews with celebrities and other famous guests in order to make time for longer field pieces, her favorite format from 12 years of reporting on The Daily Show. And, yes, it helps that Bee isn't just another man in a suit, so she can speak from a different (and sorely needed) perspective in a way that makes the boys wanna be her. But even more than that, the reason Full Frontal has made such an indelible mark within weeks of its debut is that Bee is mad as hell, and she's not going to take it anymore. Source:

Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: Brexit Update (HBO)

Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: Brexit Update (HBO) The late night comedian John Oliver has let fly with expletive-laden take down of Britain's vote to quit the European Union, and warned the Brexit vote was a cautionary tale for Americans thinking of voting for Donald Trump. The British born political commentator and comedic host of HBO's Last Week Tonight disputed the assertions of Brexit cheerleaders, the former Mayor of London, Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, leader of the far-right UK Independence Party, that the vote turned June 23 into Independence Day. John Oliver: 'It seems like whoever the next UK prime minister is going to be, whether it's Boris Johnson or a racist tea kettle, they are going to be in for a rough few years.' John Oliver: 'It seems like whoever the next UK prime minister is going to be, whether it's Boris Johnson or a racist tea kettle, they are going to be in for a rough few years.' Photo: Last Week Tonight "First, Britain was already independent," Oliver said. "In fact, it's what many other countries celebrate their independence from. Second, the sequel to the movie they're quoting [Independence Day] actually opened this week, and features the wholesale destruction of London, which is beginning to feel pretty f---ing appropriate right now." Earlier this month Oliver came to world attention when he staged what may be the largest giveaway in TV history by forgiving some $US15 million ($20.3 million) in medical debt. Oliver pointed to the swift and destructive fallout of the majority vote, including the freefall in global stocks, a weak British pound and the resignation of the Prime Minister David Cameron. Television host John Oliver took aim against Brexit architects and Donald Trump in an expletive-laden rant. Television host John Oliver took aim against Brexit architects and Donald Trump in an expletive-laden rant. Photo: Last Week Tonight The resignation of Cameron should have made him happy "but in this situation, it doesn't," he said. "It's like catching an ice cream cone out of the air because a child was hit by a car. I mean, I'll eat it, I'll eat it but it's tainted somehow. And before you have any sympathy for David Cameron you should know the vote was his idea in the first place." The Brexit vote had exposed cheerleaders, Johnson and Farage, and shown them to have exaggerated the benefits to the National Health Service. These men would be left to negotiate the exit terms from the European Union, likely to be harsh in order to dissuade other European partners from following Britain's lead. "It seems like whoever the next UK prime minister is going to be, whether it's Boris Johnson or a racist tea kettle, they are going to be in for a rough few years," Oliver said. Oliver criticised the ignorance of some voters for not thinking through the consequences and warned lives hung in the balance. He played an interview from a Portuguese mother, who lived and worked in the UK. With a daughter born in Portugal, and another born in UK, she had told them she didn't know what their future would be. Oliver responded: "Perhaps I can help you with that, because it's easy. Just tell them that they might be screwed, because a pig f---er called for a vote, a bus had some bullshit written on it, and then two idiots named Nigel and Boris quoted President Bill Pullman (Independence Day). They'll get it. They'll totally understand!" Lest Americans think they might be spared the political debacle of Brexit, Oliver turned his comic attention to the presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump: "You might think, 'Well, that is not going to happen to us in America. We're not going to listen to some ridiculously haired buffoon peddling lies and nativism in the hopes of riding a protest vote into power.' Well, let Britain tell you it can happen. And when it does, there are no f---ing do-overs." Source:

Mesothelioma Law Firm Exclusive Video

Mesothelioma Law Firm Exclusive Video It is better to take resort to a mesothelioma law firm or mesothelioma lawyers as soon as mesothelioma disease is diagnosed clinically. There are many essential and mandatory legal factors like time bar to file the suit, the time and duration for exposure, the damage caused due to working in a particular industry or damage caused by some arbitrary act on the part of the patient in his early life etc. As determining the applicability of all these factors are part of specialized knowledge and professional expertise so it is always wise to leave the decision in the hand the mesothelioma lawyers or mesothelioma law firm. Sometimes to find exactly how much relevance the alleged exposure does have with the claim for compensation, the mesothelioma law firm may even hire a private investigator to look into the matter. There are many law firms which exclusively deal with only mesothelioma cases. Such kind of law firms keep mesothelioma lawyers who do only deal with the cases relating to compensation claim in case mesothelioma disease is diagnosed in a patient. There are many companies which to up size profit, compromise the safety of the workers and make them work in dusty environment with little or no protection. This irregularity is more often in asbestos industries and stone- crusher industries where the workers are exposed to hazard more expansively than anywhere. With each breathing they intake the microscopic dust particle which do not come out with exhalation but stick to the wall of lungs. After long time normally after years of working in that environment, when the body gradually weakened the hazard shows itself. So, it is probably an exception among the diseases, in which the harm is perceived when already it is too late to prevent. Once, lungs and heart thus weaken, automatically the patient is faced with considerable decrease in his energy to work and ironically, to earn. In such situation, mesothelioma law firm and mesothelioma lawyers become of great help. It is always pretty advantageous to the patient to take resort to legal advice from a reputed mesothelioma law firm in or around his locality, because the profit to the patient is from both sides, in winning or losing. During seeking legal advice in such cases the patient or any party on the patient's side does not need to pay any fees at the first instance. The fee is only claimed when the compensation is awarded to the patient or any party legally authorized. A percentage is charged by the mesothelioma lawyers or mesothelioma law firm who was engaged for the job. Whatever measures or options be taken by the mesothelioma law firm, it is not usually chargeable unless the case is won. So, it is advisable that whenever a disease of mesothelium called mesothelioma is diagnosed then it is better to avail legal advise regarding claiming of compensation. Unlike other law suits particularly in mesothelioma cases it is never a loss to seek a legal advice as there is no need to pay unless the patient is paid at first, in form of compensation. For reliable assistance about mesothelioma legal issues, one can online visit mesothelioma law firm [] at to avail professional advice from board of mesothelioma lawyers []. Article Source: [] Get to a Mesothelioma Law Firm in Time to Claim the Compensation mesothelioma law firm 2016, mesothelioma law firm pm, mesothelioma law firm 206gb, mesothelioma law firm jk 2016, mesothelioma law firm 2016 california, mesothelioma law firm trailer, mesothelioma law firm, mesothelioma law firm articles, mesothelioma law firm attorney arizona 2015 mesothelioma law firm 1902, mesothelioma law firm 2015 - an introduction viet giai tri, mesothelioma law firm begin again, mesothelioma law firm cinderella, mesothelioma law firm california, mesothelioma law firm cinderella 2015, mesothelioma law firm the complete guide, mesothelioma law firm directory, mesothelioma law firm friends with benefits, mesothelioma law firm for treatment, mesothelioma law firm insurance quotes, mesothelioma law firm it's complicated, lawyer mesothelioma law firm, mesothelioma mesothelioma law firm, new york mesothelioma law firm, settlement mesothelioma law firm, mesothelioma law firm 6400

Sunday, June 26, 2016


DANTDM CLONE FACTORY TYCOON!! | Roblox DANTDM CLONE FACTORY TYCOON!! | Roblox Today, we are back playing ROBLOX!! This time we're playing a game called Clone Factory Tycoon where we must create clones and fight them in the arena to get CASH!! So what is ? is a free you can play for yourself as a single on your computer, on the local network or you can download the list of user created servers and play over the Internet. The main goal is to run a transport company and transport passengers and goods to and from different industries and cities. And with 4 main types of transportation like airlines, sea freight, and ground transportation with railway and vehicles you have a good diversity. As some may remember from the good old days of Ms-Dos gaming we had a called . It was first developed back in 1995 as a dos-based urban planning and simulation , but also came as a windows version later on. Now today a group of fans are developing a clone, rewritten i C++. It is a goal to make it a full clone of the old . And it is being added more and better functionality like improved language support, better support and a update function over the Internet. also includes numerous usability improvements not present in the old . On 24. of December 2009 the version 1.0 was released as a beta to the public. This version does not require the original files from the old , but can use free alternatives like OpenGFX (graphics) and OpenSFX (sound). Version 1.0 will be totally free to change and distribute under GNU General Public License (GPL). That means you can share it with whoever you want freely and you can build up a great package with free scenarios and heightmaps to go along. Specifications You can run this open source on several operating systems like Windows, Linux, Unix, OS2, and Mac OSX. It has full 32 bits graphic engine from version 0.7.0. And from version 0.7.2 it has smarter computer AI. also has improved terraforming, more airports, and bigger maps up to 2048 x 2048 squares. And that is huuuge. The capabilities for up to 255 players over the local network and also over the Internet is impressive. Run your own server easily from your home computer. The only thing you may need is to open port 3979 in your ISP's DSL router. A common problem is you can only play on other servers in the version of the you have. If you have version 0.7.0, you can only play on servers in version 0.7.0. Cities is easy to create. Choose a spot, smack the city down, expand it to 50 000 people if you want. Even take 4 cities group then together and make a mega city out of then. To avoid the itself build buildings on spots you don't want, just use the water channel feature and make a water channel around the spot. Then you have a free sport inside a city for a airport for example. Heightmaps You you like a of Iceland or Australia ready to build on...? No problemo. Just Google blackline or outline map and the name of the country/continent and you may get lucky. As an example make a black background with a white bold circle in it. This gives you a vulcan crater filled with water. You can use MS Paint which comes with Windows to do this. It's fairly easy to experiment with heightmaps. The heighmaps saves as normal images files within the heightmaps folder in the folder in root folder of the . To make a in of a is easy. The will generate the from the . Just load the imagefile from with in the editor. Choose the size of the map, the climate, the date which may be changed later. The map will be rotated 45 degrees clockwise or counter clockwise. So to keep the map level as you planned it, you need to rotate it 45 degrees clockwise or counter clockwise before you save the imagefile. Article Source: [] - roblox blox hunt codes, roblox blox hunt codes 2016, roblox blox hunt glitches, roblox blox hunt parkour, roblox blox hunt v2.1.1 twitter codes, roblox blox hunt coin, roblox blox hunt hack, bereghostgames roblox blox hunt, roblox blox hunt, roblox blox hunt codes, roblox blox hunt codes 2016, roblox blox hunt glitches, roblox blox hunt parkour, roblox blox hunt v2.1.1 twitter codes, roblox blox hunt coin, roblox blox hunt hack, bereghostgames roblox blox hunt, roblox blox hunt codes, roblox blox hunt codes 2016, roblox blox hunt glitches, roblox blox hunt parkour, roblox blox hunt v2.1.1 twitter codes, roblox blox hunt coin, roblox blox hunt hack, roblox blox hunt, bereghostgames roblox blox hunt, roblox blox hunt codes, roblox blox hunt codes 2016, roblox blox hunt coin, roblox blox hunt twitter codes, codes for blox hunt roblox, roblox blox hunt glitches, roblox blox hunt hack, roblox blox hunt parkour, roblox blox hunt redeem codes, roblox blox hunt twitter codes, roblox blox hunt v2.1.1 twitter codes, roblox blox hunt v2.1.1 twitter codes

Farmers Lose Bale Of Hay In Spectacular Fashion

Farmers Lose Bale Of Hay In Spectacular Fashion Farmers Lose Bale Of Hay In Spectacular Fashion Farmers of agricultural farms grow spring barley to make sure that the previous crop's stubble survives. This will create a good place for the birds on the land. Barley is harvested occasionally to make straw for the animals' bedding. The whole cycle of growing crops includes the use of sheep to eat the stubble and, in doing so, fertilise the land at the same time with their droppings. The same principle is used to fertilise the land on which hay will be harvested later on in the year. Not only hay gets harvested for animal fodder, but also alfalfa and plants of the pea family. When the hay has grown long enough to be harvested, it is cut down to lie in the field to dry so that it can be baled. If the weather has been rainy the hay may be turned over to speed up the drying process. When the right time has come the hay will be baled into rounds or squares with the aid of a baling machine. In order to transport these to the place of storage, bale trailers are used. The hay will be stored for the winter to feed cattle in the winter months. Harvesting hay depends entirely on the right time in which to do it. The farmer will have to watch the weather in the summer months very carefully. If it rains then the hay will be ruined and lose much of its nutritional value. The hay must be baled before it becomes too brittle and lose all its leaves. The typical moisture content should be twenty per cent. This is gauged with the use of a moisture reader which s inserted into the ground. The shape of the finished bales, whether rectangular or round, does not matter as either method is every bit as good. However, round bales are easier to come by and they also shed water more easily when they are left to the elements. These rounds are also cheaper to produce. A thought must be given to the farmers of even fifty years ago, that had to harvest their crops with the aid of a great deal of manual labour. The crop was all cut by hand and heaped on to carts. This caused a lot of loss and spillage of this valuable food for the animals. The hay was cut by a scythe in those days. This required teams of men to go up and down the fields and was very labour intensive. It was not until the nineteen thirties that a hay making machine came on the market. After the hay was cut it had to be raked by hand in big lines. It was then left to dry on ricks which looked like haystacks. When the crop was dry it was then heaped on wagons by means of a pitch fork. It was then taken to a storage area by cart. This area was always raised to keep the crop dry whilst it was being stored. For further information about any farm labour saving devices and [ trailers please refer to our web site at Article Source: [] Baling The Hay man in bale of hay, bale of hay

Der DÜMMSTE Chemiker

Der DÜMMSTE Chemiker Die Links zu meinem Equipment sind Affiliate Links. Dies bedeutet, dass ich beim Kauf am Umsatz beteiligt werde. Wo du das Produkt letztendlich kaufst, bleibt dir überlassen.

Argentina vs. Chile, Copa America 2016: Highlights

Argentina vs. Chile, Copa America 2016: Highlights tags: Copa America, Copa, Copa America 2015, Chile 2015, Host Nation Chile, Penalty shootout, penalties, Chile vs Argentina, Argentina vs Chile, Chile 2015, Argentina 2015, 2015 Copa America, Copa América, Copa, America, Copa America Live match, highlights, match highlights, full match, full match free, Argentina, Boliva, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Jamaica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, tile holder, Venezuela, copa de america, la copa america, copa america teams, copa america 2015 schedule,copa america 2015 groups, goles Argentina 2015 goles, Chile 2015 goles, Chile vs Argentina 2015 copa america 4/07/15, 4 de julio de 2015, Chile vs Argentina 2015 resumen y goles copa america de chile 2015, Chile vs Argentina 2015 All goals & Highlights Partido completo HD Goles, Chile vs Argentina resumen completo 4/07/2015 , Todos Los Goles copa america All goals & highlights 4-07-2015, July 4 2015, Messi, leo messi, sergio aguero, aguero, lavezzi, Carlos Tevez, Alexis Sanchez, Sanchez penal, Arutro Vidal, Vidal, Valdivia, Claudio Bravo, Mendel, Fernandez,Vargas, fifa, copa america 2015, final copa america 2015 en vivo, assistir final copa america 2015, final copa america 2015 online, horario final copa america 2015, jadwal final copa america 2015, argentina vs chile copa america 2015, argentina vs chile score, chile argentina copa america 2015, copa america 2015 final, final match, de copa america,Argentina y Chile y se tuvieron que ir a los penales (penaltis) para definir al campeón y Chile derrota a Argentina por los tiros penales Chile vs Argentina 4-1 Penales Resumen Completo. Chile 4-1 Argentina Penaltis y Chile es campeón de América por primera vez en su historiaChile vs Argentina 4-1 Penales Resumen Chile Campeón Final Copa América 2015Chile derrota a Argentina en tanda de penales y logra ser campeón de América Chile Campeón de la Copa América 2015 source-beINsports

3:48 am, "Hydraulic Press"

3:48 am, "Hydraulic Press" Companies Around the World Are Benefiting From Buying a Used Hydraulic Press By [ Fallondale A hydraulic press is a machine tool that is used in many different manufacturing processes to bend and form parts to various angels. They operate by creating energy through a force that acts over a distance, often referred to as a stroke. The design of every hydraulic press contains similar working components which include the cylinder, the hydraulic pipes and the pistons which all together work to delivery pressure onto the part. Different styles of hydraulic powered presses are used to create a variety of different parts with various specifications. Hydraulic presses range in size from smaller hand operated units to large one hundred ton machine tools. Some companies prefer to buy new presses that are designed specifically for their manufacturing process, used hydraulic presses are still in demand, however. It seems that many different companies are contemplating used hydraulic presses as an alternative to buying brand new machinery. Some reasons this may be happening include: 1. Used machine tools are less expensive. It is expected that new presses will be more pricey as compared to buying used when they can often perform the same functions. Most companies do not have the ability to purchase new machinery such as this. It is not necessary to spend more on brand new machines when a used machine can offer similar, if not the same, results. Many used presses have been reconditioned and maintained by expert maintenance personnel. 2. Used hydraulic presses from a reliable source will often come complete with accessories and parts. There's no need to be concerned with getting additional accessories or performing repairs to initiate operation as these reliable equipment are usually well-maintained. These machines have been in service, so corporations can be sure of how well they will function. It is important to compare your options prior to making your purchase and aim your inquiries around the actual condition of the unit. There are many good presses, but each individual machine will obviously vary in condition. Seeing the machine in action can tell you a lot about the condition of the machinery. 3. Used tools such as a refurbished or retrofitted hydraulic press includes improved technology and new parts at a much lower price than could be expected from new machinery. They can improve the quality of products and improve the speed of production lines similar to newer machinery with a decreased required investment. 4. Without a doubt, each and every machine is going to break down at some point in time. Replacing them with new equipment is not commonly a realistic option. The simple fact that they are constructed to last for many decades makes purchasing a used hydraulic press very desirable for all industries. This is especially true for all the companies who are struggling to stay afloat in such a harsh economy. Used hydraulic presses are in high demand. For this reason there are also many sellers of these machines. To compare all of the available used presses for sale, take a look at this site which connects buyers and sellers of many different industrial machine tools: Article Source: [] Companies Around the World Are Benefiting From Buying a Used Hydraulic Press

Taking a Bath in a Giant 1,500 Gallon Coca-Cola Swimming Pool!

Taking a Bath in a Giant 1,500 Gallon Coca-Cola Swimming Pool!

Taking a Bath in a Giant 1,500 Gallon Coca-Cola Swimming Pool! A Swimmer's Vacation: A Guide to the Best Swims in the World By [ G Reed The Cenote was formed when a crystal clear, underground river slowly carved out stunning passageways and humongous caves below the surface. Local snorkeling and diving companies offer tours through the caves. It's small, claustrophobic-inducing passages definitely make it a diving trip for the more adventurous traveler! Because the water is much chillier than the warm Mexican climate, you'll want to bring thermal protection for your dive. Pick up a Finis PU Thermal Cap to keep your head toasty warm. Bioluminescent Bay is a must in any diver's lifetime itinerary. This shallow bay, just off the coast of Puerto Rico, harbors 720,000 phosphorescent single-celled organisms that brilliantly glow when slightly agitated. Plan your trip during a new moon and take a kayak out in the middle of the waters. Not only will your movements be illuminated by the glowing organisms (don't worry, they are completely harmless!), but the creatures also make it easier to spot local wildlife swimming through. So you don't miss a moment of the magical glowing action, bring along a pair of Speedo Rift Pro Goggles. These streamline, hybrid-mask goggles are ideal for open water swims and offer an incredibly wide field of vision. Formed at the lowest land point of the surface of the earth, the Dead Sea is a super salty lake located in the Middle East. People have visited the Dead Sea for centuries to bathe and wallow in its rich waters and supposedly healing mud. The hyper saline waters are extremely buoyant and can easily hold swimmers above the water, even in a reclined position. It's one of the more popular destinations on the list and won't disappoint even the most seasoned traveler. This next one isn't for the faint of heart! Located in the nation of Palau in the Pacific Ocean, a small limestone island sealed itself off from the sea and slowly became a contained lake. There happened to be a few jellyfish within the new lake's waters and over time, without natural predators, they began to flourish. The lake now harbors more than 10 million jellyfish, all of which have evolved and lost their stinging ability. This means that visitors are able to swim among the vast number of jellyfish unharmed. It's quite the thrilling sight to see and experience! If you're headed to Jellyfish Lake, pack a pair of compact Finis Zoomers. These short bladed fins will easily propel you through the waters and help you see each and every one of the 10 million invertebrates. Who says you have to hit up open waters to have one of the most-unique swims around?! Holding over 66 million gallons of water, the artificial lagoon at the Chilean resort of San Alfonso del Mar is one giant swimming pool! This warm, crystal clear, saltwater pool has so much room to spare that you can even windsurf and kayak within its waters. On the other side of the world, there's the Rooftop Infinity Pool at the Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore. The guest-only pool seamlessly overlooks the city below. It's the world's largest pool at its height. Because it's easy to lose track of time in both of these gorgeous pools, be sure to lather on plenty of sunscreen before entering the water. SolRX Waterblock Sunscreen provides 8 hours of SPF 44, waterproof protection. The [ Rift Pro Goggles is a performance goggle at heart. Preferred by open-water swimmers, this goggle is streamlined, yet comfortable. Although this is not a race goggle, it is still an excellent choice for fitness swimmers. Article Source: [] A Swimmer's Vacation: A Guide to the Best Swims in the World

Saturday, June 25, 2016


MESOTHELIOMA LAW FIRM MESOTHELIOMA LAW FIRM For over three decades, the mesothelioma law firm of Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney & Meisenkothen has limited its practice to asbestos litigation. In that time, ELSM has helped thousands of mesothelioma victims get the financial compensation they deserved for injuries they sustained from asbestos products made and sold by negligent asbestos companies. In this section, you can learn more about our firm, our experienced legal team, and the outstanding results that we have achieved for our clients. We are confident that after you learn more about us, the clients we serve, and our past track record, you will see how we can put our decades of experience winning mesothelioma settlements to work for you and your family. Initial consultations at Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney & Meisenkothen are always free of charge and are designed to help us evaluate your case and measure your chance for a viable, successful lawsuit. We answer any questions you may have about the process thoroughly at this time. In addition, because Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney & Meisenkothen operates on a contingency fee basis, the client pays nothing unless we succeed in your behalf and money is recovered. Meet the Partners at Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney & Meisenkothen The Partners at ELSM will do everything in their power to make sure you and your family get the justice and financial award that you deserve. James Early Jennifer Lucarelli Robert Sweeney Chris Meisenkothen Ethan Early Brian Early Beyond the partners, the remaining mesothelioma lawyers at ELSM are experienced, dedicated, hard-working, and committed to their clients. They take time to get to know you and your families as individuals and they truly care about the people they serve. Meet the Attorneys at ELSM Meet the experienced team of attorneys at ELSM who will work tirelessly on your behalf to earn you the highest settlement award possible. Read more: mesothelioma law firm 2016, mesothelioma law firm one day, mesothelioma law firm 2016 california, mesothelioma law firm insurance quotes, mesothelioma law firm it's complicated, mesothelioma law firm articles, mesothelioma law firm age of adaline, mesothelioma law firm a little chaos, mesothelioma law firm 2015 - an introduction viet giai tri, mesothelioma law firm 2015 - an introduction viet rap, mesothelioma law firm before we go, mesothelioma law firm brooklyn movie, mesothelioma law firm begin again, mesothelioma law firm cinderella, mesothelioma law firm california, mesothelioma law firm cinderella 2016, mesothelioma law firm the complete guide, mesothelioma law firm directory, mesothelioma law firm help, mesothelioma law firm - introduction to worthington viet rap

Yes Minister — Why Britain Joined the European Union

Yes Minister — Why Britain Joined the European Union Yes Minister — Why Britain Joined the European Union But that has been reversed today and UK is officially the first country to leave the European Union. There has been a lot of talk about the entire issue for days now. The people, the politicians, John Oliver and even cats have given their two cents on this matter. Twitter was filled with chatter about the negative implications of 'Brexit', jokes on it and one one small clip from the 1980s British political sitcom 'Yes Minister'. The clip shows Sir Humphrey Appleby, a main character from the show, explaining to Jim Hacker, the fictional Minister of the Department of Administrative Affairs, as to why UK had joined the European Economic Community in the first place: To divide and rule. Sir Humphrey explains how the British objective to enter the EEC was simply to destroy it from within. And they have been doing that to Europe successfully for the last 500 years. When the thoroughly dumbfounded minister asks him if this was their objective all along, then why were they lobbying for increased membership in the EEC, Sir Humphrey provides a funny but chilling enough explanation. yesminister7 yesminister8 The political satire was of course satire, but this does get one thinking: Could this have been a motive all along? This clip aligns with the present political narrative and proves that good old caustic British comedy is always relevant and funny Source:

Yes Minister — Why Britain Joined the European Union


SO EXCITING! So exciting, had to share – Remodel update Progress is happening so fast that we had to give you an update on the remodel before next week. We want to show you what’s happening now. Tuesday’s floor prep led to carpet in the halls and classrooms and shiny new flooring in the gym lobby. Concrete was poured for the Upper School walk-out. As a thank you for their hard work, there was a special lunch for the contractors today. It is exciting to see all the hard work that’s gone into planning and getting us this far. Thank you to all those involved in making this move and remodel a reality. You can see all the newest photos in our Gallery. Source:

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Brexit (HBO)

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Brexit (HBO) Unlike Americans, TV viewers in the UK were not able to see John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight edition from last Sunday, in which he blasted Brexit, until after they’d cast their votes on Thursday. Sky said it was compelled to delay the blistering 15-minute screed, owing to UK’s pesky Ofcom regs that prevent broadcasters from airing things that might actually impact voting. Unlike newspapers, which are allowed to print things that might actually impact voting. Which is just what Sky owner Rupert Murdoch’s British newspapers did, only The Sun and Sunday Times backed Brexit. RelatedBrexit: What Hollywood And Europe’s Power Players Fear After Shocking Vote In defense of whoever came up with this reg, nobody reads newspapers. Even so, this juxtaposition had Oliver fans’ undies in a bunch this week, and many complained via social media – where Oliver’s show also was posted Sunday night, on . On , Oliver’s is closing in on 7 million viewers, and loads of newer post-Brexit-voting comments from disciples of Aristophanes, including: RECENT COMMENTS ADD COMMENT 10 People Commenting UncleBob 8 mins Oliver is simply not funny, no wonder he couldn't make it in England. WeRtheChampions 4 hours "I am sorry Brits were unable to view it before the voting. Who know if it would... Bart Drennon 4 hours Self-determination by a populace? F*ck you John Oliver you establishment shill, we have just won! #Brexit Eat sh*t, you worthless little bankster puppet. Brexit wins! RelatedBrexit: What Happens Next In a statement issued to reporters covering the situation, Sky said that, before the Brexit vote, it had “complied with the Ofcom broadcasting restrictions at times of elections and referendums that prohibit us showing this section of the programme at this moment in time” adding, “We will be able to show it once the polls have closed.” ‘My homeland is on the edge of doing something absolutely insane, and on some level I kind of understand,” Oliver said in the show Britons could not handle seeing before casting their votes. “There is an innate desire to tell Europe to go f*ck itself. The EU does not make itself easy to love. “It is a complicated, bureaucratic, ambitious, overbearing, inspirational and consistently irritating institution, and Britain would be absolutely crazy to leave it especially because, if it stays, it can reap all the benefits while still being a total dick about everything,” Oliver says in the segment. “And that is the British way.” Anyway, see above for Oliver’s takedown of Brexit that was considered too hot for British voters to see before casting their votes. source:

mesothelioma litigation

Friday, June 24, 2016

mesothelioma litigation

mesothelioma litigation If you've been exposed to asbestos and been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may ask, "If I file a lawsuit can I expect to recover significant money damages?" The answer is usually "yes." People who discover they are suffering from mesothelioma due to working with asbestos (or, if they are deceased, their spouse) have an excellent chance of achieving substantial money damages, either from the company that manufactured or installed the asbestos, or from an insurance company or asbestos victims' trust fund that has assumed liability for the company. And this is true even if the original manufacturer has long since sold out, closed down, or even gone bankrupt, thanks to the formation of asbestos victims' trust funds. (For more information on employees' rights when it comes to asbestos exposure on the job, see Nolo's article Asbestos in the Workplace.) How Long Do I Have to Sue? Mesothelioma tends to develop 10 to 40 years after exposure to asbestos. State laws called statutes of limitations usually give people one to five years (depending on the state) from the diagnosis or discovery of mesothelioma to file a lawsuit. But it's important to act promptly, because in a few states, including California, Tennessee, and Louisiana, the statue of limitations is only one year from diagnosis. (Check out Nolo's chart Statutes of Limitations in All 50 States.) If a mesothelioma victim has already died, his or her spouse and other heirs typically have one to three years from the date of death to file a wrongful death action, which can also result in the recovery of substantial money damages. Mesothelioma victims can't file or join in class actions lawsuits because each person's medical history and prognosis is different, so mesothelioma cases must be filed individually. How Long Does an Asbestos or Mesothelioma Case Take? Most asbestos cases are settled before they ever get to a jury (meaning the parties agree outside of court to the amount of money damages the mesothelioma victim will get). If you have gathered all the facts about your medical condition and employment history, and your lawyer runs an efficient office, and there is an easily identifiable payment source -- such as an insurance company or an asbestos victims' trust fund -- you may get your money in less than a year from the date your lawsuit is filed. But in other situations, where the amount of money damages depends on going to trial (or at least threatening to do so), it can take two years or more. Fortunately, the court rules in many states recognize that mesothelioma victims have a short life expectancy and as a result, fast track their lawsuits. How Much Can I Recover? The dollar amount you are likely to receive as compensation for developing mesothelioma is hard to estimate. Some cases result in settlements or jury awards in the millions, while similar ones settle for comparatively little In addition to the size of the asbestos victims' compensation fund available for payment, each victim's particular mesothelioma illness and how it has affected their life is important to arriving at a cash settlement or jury verdict. The dollar amount of wages lost due to the illness, the cost of medical expenses, and, usually most important, the degree of the victim's pain and suffering are all key factors in putting a dollar value on a particular case. A third factor in estimating how much money damages you'll recover is time. When cases are settled relatively quickly, the amount recovered tends to be significantly less than if your lawyer waits to present your case to a trial jury. But preparing and conducting a jury trial may take several years, whereas settlements can often be arranged in a year or less. For this reason, many seriously ill plaintiffs prefer a relatively quick settlement, and this is especially true when they learn that some lawyers charge substantially more when a case goes to trial. All of this being said, many mesothelioma cases result in settlement or awards in the range of $1 million to $5 million or more, but when attorneys' fees, court costs, and medical expenses are subtracted, victims often end up with around two-thirds of these amounts. Mesothelioma Lawyer mesothelioma litigation lawyer 365zjn, mesothelioma litigation attorney lawyer virginia houston, mesothelioma litigation lawyer 365 pim, mesothelioma litigation lawyer, mesothelioma litigation attorney lawyer houston 1, mesothelioma litigation lawyer - lawyer mesothelioma ep3, mesothelioma litigation, litigation compensation for mesothelioma, litigation desmoplastic mesothelioma, litigation mesothelioma claims, litigation mesothelioma charities, litigation mesothelioma law firm, litigation mesothelioma help, litigation mesothelioma law, mesothelioma mesothelioma litigation, litigation mesothelioma symptoms, litigation average mesothelioma settlement

Minecraft | TRAYAURUS IS HERE?! | Crazy Craft 3.0 #18 | TheDiamondMinecart // DanTDM

Minecraft | TRAYAURUS IS HERE?! | Crazy Craft 3.0 #18 | TheDiamondMinecart // DanTDM A lot of people have now played Minecraft, it is a great game and people like to create, fight, mine and even craft on it, but why do people really like the game? People love Minecraft because of three simple things, ownership, replayability and ease of use. These may seem like crazy ideas to think about but it is true that the main reasons people really love Minecraft is because of how it lets them have a part of a world which is actually theirs (ownership). Players can play time and time again (replayability). Finally it is so simple to get started that anyone can play it and have fun without needing to delve into the deeper aspects of Minecraft. Minecraft can be a nice addition to life or not. Although it is fun individuals will need to be vigilant on how often they're going on it. Minecraft is usually a really great experience that players are able to get a load of benefits through, by crafting or mining funnily enough. So there's hardly any shock that various companies are making lots of dollars from Minecraft. Going on virtual games is a really great hobby to assist gamers to de-stress and improve after a working day. Players can experience stacks of superb experiences after getting online during your afternoon. Ownership Being able to own part of your own land or your whole world is a big deal for Minecraft players. Many gamers have been wanting to try and get their own piece of land inside current massively multiplayer games and have failed. Finally Minecraft allows us to do this which is really awesome. I understand players can totally adore the game when they commence playing it. This is key as it makes the gamer feel important, like they are having a real responsibility in how the world evolves. Replayability Allowing people to socialize with people via Minecraft is a true benefit. Getting massive amounts of other gamers online means people will share their creations and thus keep replaying the game to be able to show off their own creations. Try to attempt to develop your own collection of people on the web. Having friends will increase the amount of enjoyment you get out of Minecraft. Ease Of Use A lot of games will bombard you with various controls, tutorials, how to guides and even beginner guides just to get started with playing the game. On Minecraft I think you have 7 controls, WASD for movement, E for inventory, left click and right click. By being so simple, Minecraft allows you to get playing and start enjoying quicker than other games. A really cool element of the game that the majority of players like is the amazing characters, for example Stevie! If you think about it there are not many games to be found quite like it. Many games rely on graphics, but this is not really the big sale of Minecraft. You can start on the game right away if you want to. The game is amazingly straight forward to commence playing. Websites have piles of tips that individuals will be able to embrace when players become stuck. Nearly all difficulties should be answered by digging around on sites. Fan sites are great and you should definitely get involved. Finding tips regarding Minecraft can be a great way to get started playing. As a final note if you are thinking about playing Minecraft then I highly recommend it. It is a fantastic game with a lot of great features to keep you playing. Jim Reynollds: Lover of all things Minecraft. Minecraft Resources: [ Server Listing | [ Forums Article Source: [] Minecraft Is Totally Awesome And Here Is Why -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "David Cameron resigns after Britain votes to leave EU – video" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-