Thursday, June 23, 2016

Soundtrack to a Love Story w/ Anna Kendrick

Soundtrack to a Love Story w/ Anna Kendrick Album Review: The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack by Sixx:AM (5/5 STARS!) By [ M Kohrn The book that is the basis for the soundtrack is a testament to the lifestyle of a rock star. It chronicles what happens when those around you need you to stay unfocused and unaware of where most of your money is going. They also want you to be productive when they need you to make them more money, such as by recording an album or touring the world. All of this puts dollars in their future while sucking the life out of yours. Nikki Sixx did have some surrounding him who were looking out for him, but was it for his sake or their own? The music that accompanies the book is so much stronger than anything MOTLEY CRUE has produced since Shout at the Devil. Yes, Dr Feelgood was a big success, but it was laced in the Vince Neil party rock anthem leaving the amazing lyrical Sixx to write frugal. His lyrical content could have kept the band on top of the world if he would have been less influenced to write for a party and more steered to what we hear today on his latest release with newly formed Sixx:A.M. James Michael is an amazing reflection of Sixx, giving the vocals an eerie sense that he is channeling the writer at every turn. The vocal style he uses often sounds as if Sixx is singing, as it so closely represents his voice. There are moments on some of the tracks that simulate the needle and the sounds are the liquid injecting directly into the veins of the listener. Keep in mind as each track starts and stops that this is a love story with the most dark and deadly consequences. The only escape is to run but with each buy he is drawn in deeper to the smiles coated with warmth that surrounds him. When the smiles turn to grins as the last liquid love gets released, the lover is satisfied with temporary relief. This is clear in "Life is Beautiful", "Accidents will Happen", and "Heart Failure", as the lyrics are begging for his extraction but no one comes to call. Finding his own road out is the only way Nikki Sixx was going to be absolved from his dysfunctional relationship with junk. Slowly after "Intermission", the bass lines get stronger and the sounds become richer as if he is again letting the devil out while reliving his cleanse. Using the circus theme delivers a haunting element to the words of his life while retreating from a love that had bonded him in a closet so cold. A picture easily emerges with curtains closed on a darkened stage when the opening lines of "Dead Man's Ballet" are sung. The guitars are added, blowing the hair of the audience back with images of falling hearts, broken while struggling to pump. Center stage, Sixx lies helpless while the angels dance around his body. Wanting heaven's door to open, the song ends. "Heart Failure" begins with the helicopters flying overhead on a voyage of salvation while his life passes before him, and Sixx begins to fight. No one saves a dying rock star, but the person they were before the bright lights hurled them into a life of excess. Although this is a soundtrack of The Needle and The Damage it did, there is a stage somewhere that the book and music can come together. Now clean, Sixx can be the musician he started out to be with passion driving the music to the ends of the world. It all commences in "Girl with Golden Eyes", as the withdrawals begin the toughest fight for life. Most express this as the coming down from the drug, but Nikki's take has the feeling of digging out from Earth's deepest point. From the first song to the last this CD builds with each track, leaving the listener only wanting more so put it on REPEAT and REPEAT again. RUSTYSCAGE.COM/MUSIC [] Article Source: [] Album Review: The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack by Sixx:AM 5/5 STARS!