Tuesday, June 21, 2016

World Record for Eye Popping

World Record for Eye Popping Well, aside from the extremely unusual talent of “Eye Popping”, I am just a normal guy. I have a wife and I have a 3 year old daughter. During the day, I work in digital marketing. I found out I had the ability to pop out my eyes a couple of years ago in my local pub. I was having a few beers with friends and went to the bathroom. In there, boredom and beer took over and next next minute, I was looking in the mirror and my right eye was hanging out of my head. That’s always been great for freaking out people in the pub, but it’s only been recent that I started making YouTube videos to share my ability with the world. I started with a video Eye Popping to the Harlem Shake, as was the craze at the time. That video got some nice interest which I was over the moon with, but when I decided to make a video eye popping to the beat of Daft Punk’s Get Lucky, the attention grew to a level that really astounded me. At time of writing (Nov 2013), my Daft Punk video has generated 750,000+ views on YouTube. It has been copied in many, many locations around the web so the true figure is hard to work out. It has also been shown on TV in the US, UK, Finland, Poland and France, thank I know of. I was also flown out to Japan recently to record for a TV show airing the end of June 2013, which was such an amazing experience. I’ve also been asked to fly to several different places to appear in TV shows and such. When I was in Japan, I broke two world records related to eye popping. Unfortunately the documentation Guinness wants to make it official is a pain to get together, but I’m working on it and hopefully I’ll have a nice certificate making them official. If you have any questions, feel free to follow me on Facebook or Twitter, or send me a message using the contact form linked at the top of every page on this site. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to me on YouTube so you find out when I release new videos. Have fun, Mr Zoom Source:http://ift.tt/28Qpb1Y eye popping out of socket, eye popping out, eye popping world record, eye popping makeup, eye popping woman, eye popping the furthest, eye popping makeup for brown eyes, eye popping 3d, eye popping, bgt eye popping man, eye popping coyote, eye popping chicken, john doyle eye popping, coyote eye popping experience, coyote hunting eye popping, house eye popping, eye popping man, pug eye popping out, pug eye popping, total recall eye popping, mortal kombat x eye popping