Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Try Guys Swim With Sharks // Sponsored by The Shallows

The Try Guys Swim With Sharks // Sponsored by The Shallows Swimming With The Whale Sharks: A Chance Of A Lifetime And A Very Special Day By [ Rusley It has always been interesting listening to folks try to explain their experience swimming with the whale sharks. They seem to get all tongue tied, using lots of words like awesome, unbelievable, incredible, etc. Many seem to struggle to find the words to describe the experience at all, they get frustrated and give up and tell you that you just HAVE TO do this. And now I know why. I was thinking it would be interesting to go back and ponder my decision to make this special trip, it might help put this whole thing in perspective for the few that care to listen. I recall talking to a fellow Fibromyalgia buddy on the beach 3 years ago, she asked me if I thought it would be worth going, she knew full well that going would be difficult (to say the least) on her body, banging around on a panga for and hour and a half up and an hour and a half back just might do her in, I told her that I thought it was not worth the pain she would likely endure as it would ruin the rest of her time on the island and it might take weeks to recover. He assured me that he would do all he could do to help me and he was very confident that I would enjoy the experience, he has that look in his eye like he knows something you don't; know, I trusted him and gave him my deposit and prepared for the trip the next day, it cost 125.00 per person to go with Jorge although others cost less for their smaller boats that are not covered, etc, and I am glad I decided not to skimp, not on a day like this, not with this wreck of a body, not for a special day like this, no way. I was a good boy and went to bed early on a Saturday night so I could be up with the sun and meet Jorge at 7:30, a couple of friends decided they would go on the trip too and I was glad they were going with me. We were to meet him at Bally Hoo, but he hollered at us from Velasquez and we sat down and had some fruit and bread before we left which I thought was a great start to the day. It was a strange sight seeing so many huge creatures in the water and we were among them, and they knew we were there, and they seemed to be OK with us being there, it was a magical sight. Before I went on the trip, I was hoping to get a chance to get in the water with the whale sharks, and my biggest fear that day was I would not make it in the water (or not very well as happened to my Fibro friend 3 years earlier), I felt a sense of accomplishment, but I also felt very, very blessed, God had touched me in a most unusual way, and I am very, very thankful. I am glad I made the trip although I would not attempt that again, my body is simply wearing out, but it was absolutely worth it. Jorge was absolutely fabulous, and I could not have asked for more in my guide and boat captain, he is a new friend, and a good one, he was constantly checking on me on the ride up, in the water and on the way back, always making sure I was comfortable even though I lied to him and told him I was fine, my neck felt like balsa wood on the ride up, like it was going to snap off at any point, it felt fractured and like I had pulled muscles and I was sore all over just going up, but none of that was the fault of Jorge, he made me very comfortable and I am very grateful to him for that. I also recommend if you make the trip to see the whale sharks to plan your trip in August. You will be humbled, you will be energized, and you will feel like you looked into the eyes of God, and that everything in life will be OK Jimbo check out my blog at [] Article Source: [] Swimming With The Whale Sharks: A Chance Of A Lifetime And A Very Special Day