Friday, June 24, 2016

Introducing SpotMini Robot

Introducing SpotMini Robot The SpotMini Humanoid Robot is a robot kit with an open source embedded board. The Darwin-Mini app uses button, gesture, voice recognition and messenger to control or change movements. Its parts are also 3D printable; You could 3D print different colored feet, hands, or legs with vibrant filament colors to personalize your bot. DARwIn-Mini also has neat embedded LEDs to enhance his activities. You can use your bot with the pre-programmed features on the mobile app or program DARwIn-Mini yourself with the easy-to-use, C-based RoboPlus software. DARwIn-Mini comes with a rechargeable lithium-ion battery and is compatible with the BIOLOID STEM robotics system. Currently, the app is only available for use with Android devices, but iPhone compatibility is in the works. You’ll need a Bluetooth module on your computer to program your DARwIn-Mini. Darwin-Mini utilizes the OpenCM9.04-C microcontroller, which runs on a 32bit ARM Cortex-M3, and is easily programmed over USB with Robotis’ OpenCM software. Each Dynamixel XL servo has an embedded processor that allows for advanced control of the servos as well as reading data such as temperature, position, and torque. Bluetooth communication allows for control and programming of Darwin via a computer or tablet. The RoboPlus software allows for capture and playback of various poses, or use the wide variety of built-in motions. Advanced motion such as headstands, rolls, and picking himself up from the ground are no problem for Darwin-Mini. Source: spot mini 2016, spot mini cooper, on the spot minion, sasa matic ministarke spot, minions tv spot 4, minions tv spot 2, minions tv spot 3, mini spot welder, elinchrom mini spot lite, chauvet mini spot, mini spot led, spot mini, mini tv spot, mini cooper tv spot, mini moving head spot, lite tek mini spot, mini spot neon, tv spot minions, mini tv spot 2015, technoline mini spot, los minions spot 1, minions tv spot 5, minions spot 6, minions tv spot 7