Thursday, June 30, 2016


DAY IN THE LIFE OF MCJUGGERNUGGETS! If you are just getting started with your online MLM business, you might very well be drowning in your to-do list. I know I did when I first got started. If you're confused about what to do, when to do it, and which tasks should come first, take some advice from me, a seasoned online MLM propeller-head. Make a plan and stick to it. Simple enough. Now, what should your plan be? You have to decide for yourself, depending on whether you are working your business full time or as a side business. In either case, promoting your MLM business online means you're going to be doing three things: 1. writing 2. sharing 3. networking A Day in the Life Schedule It's up to you how much time you spend. To give you a rough idea of how you might schedule your time for your online marketing plan, here's my schedule for a typical day. Keep in mind that I post to my two blogs (one on MLM and one on small business) five days a week, and take weekends off. I also get up earlier than most people, but don't let that bother you. You can allocate your time in any way that suits your personality. 4:00 AM - 5:30 AM -- Write Write and post 2 blog entries. Most of the time, I write my own content, but this can include book reviews, software reviews, or commentaries on someone else's blog post. Most of the posts are about or relevant to online MLM marketing or small business. Once every 7-10 days I may repost someone else's blog entry, meaning all I do is introduce the person but otherwise don't write anything. 5:30 AM - 6:30 AM -- SHARE Once I've posted to my blogs, I'll "share" my original posts in appropriate places around the internet. This includes article directories, social media sites like Twitter and Digg, as well as in certain forums. I also use "pinging" software like Pingoat to notify various blog sites like Technorati that I have a new post. 6:30 AM - 8:00 AM - NETWORK Finally, it's time to go out and interact with the folks in my online MLM world. This means visiting forums on sites like Ryze and Facebook. In these networks, I try to answer people's questions, be helpful, and get my burning questions answered. I will also go read the blogs of my various online "heroes," and will often comment on any posts that I find particularly intriguing or helpful. Other Stuff On The Side So that's a typical day in the life of an online MLM propeller-head. In addition to this regular marketing schedule, I also spend time with my prospects and downline via email and phone as needed. I answer questions, email information, do occasional three-way calls, and offer trainings. I also attend select company and upline training webinars and teleconferences. Does this give you some ideas on how to structure your own online MLM schedule? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Stephanie Valentine has been a successful network marketer for over a decade. She does her MLM business online and helps others do the same. For tips, tricks, rants, and raves about online MLM and small business, visit [] and [] Article Source: [] A Day in the Life of the Online MLM Propeller-Head