Thursday, June 23, 2016

Donald Trump and Little Donald (8th Grade Impressionist)

Donald Trump and Little Donald (8th Grade Impressionist) Early this morning I was waiting for a bus to my work when, across a busy street, I saw a large gray-bearded man in the guise of a Muslim cleric, white hat, shirt, and pants, walking at a quick pace along the sidewalk, as though he was on a mission to do something that he regarded as very important. It is, indeed, a poignant matter to consider that this particular person, and all other devout Muslims in the USA who regard the Koran as sacred Islamic scripture, currently despise the same U.S. Constitution, and its Bill of Rights, which allow them the freedom to depose and work to undermine democracy and liberty. What exactly is being planned in those meetings that occur between Islamic zealots, who are natural-born and immigrant naturalized U.S. citizens, who meet together in mosques and other rented and purchased buildings to practice their religion? I sincerely believe that the average Jewish and Christian citizens in the republic, who know very little about Islam, would be stunned to discover that the whole basis of Islam is the practice and expansion of sharia, or Islamic, law, and the infidel's (Christians, Jews, and anyone not submissive to the Muslim god) submission to Islam. There are over 90 verses in the Koran commanding devout Muslim's to work to undermine any governmental system and religion that does not recognize Islam as the one, and only, religion. These verses are commandments that allow Muslims to lie to, cheat, and deceive infidels for the purpose of working toward their submission to Islam. They command devout Muslims not to become friends with, or to love, infidels. Muslims are commanded to only associate with other faithful Muslims, and no others. That simply means that Muslims who strictly follow the Koran have no tolerance for other religions, or people who practice other religions. If they do, they are not following the Koran as their scriptural guide to Islamic heaven. With this said, I think that it is pretty easy to realize what goes on at those meetings between Muslims who believe in adhering strictly with the words of the gangster Mohammed in the Koran. The fundamental basis for Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump's vociferous statement, that Muslim immigration into the USA should be completely stopped until the proper authorities get a handle on the Muslim terrorists who are entering the country, is, simply, the provocative realization that "all" devout Muslims who are allowed to immigrate into the USA despise the United States government. This hatred for the USA is really a natural part of an allegiance to Islam. No devout Muslim will, without reservation and deception, swear to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution, and its Bill of Rights, against all enemies foreign and domestic as a requirement for naturalization. They can't do this without violating their already sworn allegiance to Islam; since such a faith is much more of a tyrannical form of theocratic government than it is a religion. This is, of course, a hard cold fact, but, for some reason, the U.S. mainstream media and Islami-fascist supporters don't want the American People to realize this startling reality. Hence, what is ultimately true and factually correct is almost always politically unpopular as public expressions of truth by American politicians and federal bureaucrats. This philosophical conundrum has been a truism in American culture since around 1910, when pragmatism, in the name of humanistic expedience, replaced idealism as a means of establishing what is right, and what is wrong. Currently the prevailing doctrine of political There is, therefore, a very salient reason for Donald Trump's proposal to stop all Muslims from entering the USA. Whether, or not, they are allowed to enter the USA by visa, or for the purpose of becoming naturalized U.S. citizens, is entirely dependent on their commitment to support and obey U.S. law if they are here temporarily, or to support and defend the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights against all enemies, foreign and domestic, if they are seeking naturalization. Would YOU allow a person into the USA, an enemy of freedom and liberty, who would actively seek to destroy the U.S. Constitution and turn the American republic into an Islamic Caliphate governed as a theocracy under sharia law? I hope not! Article Source: [] Islamic Terrorism and the Reasonableness of Donald Trump's Proposal to Halt Muslim Immigration